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  • 3 Postcards (4"x6")

  • 3 Envelopes

  • 3 Stamps

  • 1 Journal (3.5"x5.5")

  • 1 Green Pen

  • 1 Sticker

  • Prompt List

  • A hand written message

  • Some tender loving care


The Meaning of Green

Green is the color of life, renewal, nature, and energy, is associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness, and safety.

Green is also the color for mental health awareness.

The Journal

There are many benefits of using a journal such as providing an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors.

Want ideas on what to write? Check out our journaling tab.

The Postcards

We want to promote communication without reliance on social media. We  even included stamps for convenience! 

Marble Surface

Rewrite the Narrative   

created by Caitlin Colina 


My go-to activities for when I want to relax are listening to music and making art. I like to express myself through art since I'm not proficient at putting my feelings into words. However, I thought it would be fitting if the person in the postcard was journaling since our brand promotes journaling as a way to unload and reflect on our thoughts. We want to "rewrite the narrative" and stigma of mental health while encouraging/strengthening human connections. 

Disconnect to Reconnect â€‹

created by Hanna Rosenbaum


Technology and social media has become a big part of our lives. For our mental health, I think it's important to take time and step back from those distractions; and spend time with ourselves/ in nature. The beach is my favorite place to clear my head. Whether I'm with my friends or by myself, hearing the waves and feeling the breeze is extremely relaxing for me. Everyone has a place where they feel comfortable, but the hard part can be finding time to "disconnect to reconnect". When you do find the time, it's always worth it.  

Self-Care is Sexy

created by Emily Cleary


When people indulge themselves, it may seem selfish or over-the-top; when in reality, sometimes we forget to prioritize our well-being before anyone else's. I wanted to show the girl promoting self care with a face mask on, having her alone time, while dolling herself up for no one but herself because "self care is sexy". We need to remember to take care of both our bodies and our minds. 

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