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Student Spotlight - Alexandra Paradzick


Meet Alexandra Paradzick, an English Major at Loyola Marymount University in hopes that she will one day get published. In her hometown of Yorba Linda, Alex spends her free time reading books, watching a variety of shows/movies, and playing games; all to improve her storytelling skills. During our interview, we spoke about the shift to virtual university, mental health during quarantine, and methods to end the stigma of mental health in society.

What has helped you with online learning?

Alex believes that many students share the same struggles and feelings that come with the switch to online school. According to her, “there’s a sense of detachment when you’re starting at a screen all day, to the point where school doesn’t feel real.” That being said, one way she separates herself from that space is spending time alone with her thoughts and feelings. Oftentimes, this involves her hobbies like painting and writing short stories or even bigger projects such as novels. Oddly enough, an important factor that has helped her throughout online learning are care packages. She explained saying “I know someone is thinking of me when I receive it. It’s like getting a present without a reason (usually presents are given for birthdays or the holidays) and since I lived with roommates during school, I can share the contents of the package with my friends. It gives me something to look forward to.”

Paintings by Alex

How has COVID affected your mental health? How does it make you feel and lifestyle differences?

Overall, Alex agreed that COVID and quarantine measures had a negative impact on her mental health. Since the pandemic significantly altered everyone’s daily routines, she often feels like she’s missing out on opportunities and experiences that junior year had to offer. Unfortunately, this is the reality that millions of students now face. With no end to quarantine in sight, students will need to pay closer attention to their mental health and well-being.

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